Investing 101: The Benefits of Offshore Investing

Today Warren Ingram invites ​​Rupert Hare, Co-Head of Multi-Asset at Prescient, to discuss the benefits of investing offshore, portfolio diversification, timing, currency, and interest rates. 

Questions/ Topics: 

  1. If I’m sitting in South Africa, why would I want to send money offshore? 
  2. Do I get to invest in international companies like Microsoft? 
  3. What does “yielding” currency mean? 
  4. International interest rates vs South African interest rates
  5. What are some of the reasons why you would want to go offshore? 
  6. Is there an ideal percentage I should be putting into my offshore investments? 
  7. Timing and currency: What is a rule of thumb for this? 
  8. What does “average in” mean? 
  9. Final advice around offshore investments
  10. What would you teach yourself if you were to meet the younger you? 

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