OP Shares Advice On How To Start Your Own Business, Busting Myths About Investing In The African Market & More

Our next #SageForSmallBiz speaker is entrepreneur and influencer OP speaking about his personal story around how he started his business, how he helps others source investment opportunities for their business and explains frontier markets in Africa.  

Warren Ingram and OP also speak about busting myths around starting a business in South Africa, where to start and things to consider when trying to reach your goals. 

Got your own business or looking at starting one? Sign-up for Sage’s 30-day free trial and see how their software can help take your business further:

Send us your questions around small businesses and we may feature it in our upcoming SME podcast on WhatsApp on (+27) 72 934 4218. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more Financial Freedom content: @HonestMoneyPod
