What You Need To Know About Global Investing

We have officially launched the Global Investing Made Easy podcast series sponsored by OUTVest, where Warren Ingram finds himself in the hot seat and answers the top questions on his new book, Global Investing Made Easy, with head of OUTVestGrant Locke. In today’s episode, we cover why you should invest globally, is your ROI better offshore than local, feeder funds vs trusts, what currency or domicile to look at, what legal entities you should invest in and more. 

Questions/ Topics: 

  1. Why should I invest my money globally? 
  2. Will I get a better rate of return if I invest my money offshore? 
  3. Before I start investing globally, what are some of the things I should know about? 
  4. Do I need to send my money overseas if I want global exposure? 
  5. Feeder funds vs trusts when moving your money 
  6. How do I structure my global investments? What currency do I get, where do I domicile it? 
  7. What countries are the best to “house”  your money? 
  8. What legal entities should you invest in? 

Honest Money and OUTvest are giving away 25 signed copies of Warren Ingram’s latest book. To enter the lucky draw, simply sign up to the Honest Money weekly mailer, which gives you notifications on new podcast episodes, blogs and more.

[Sponsored content] On the topic of global investing, it couldn’t be easier than with OUTvest’s brand new Global Wealth Trader. With a few clicks, you can enjoy worldwide equity exposure to 49 developing and emerging markets and over 9 000 stocks – all in a single investment, priced in South African Rands and at a low, transparent fee. Your wealth deserves the world.

[Sponsored content]  OUTVest is an authorised FSP. T&Cs apply. 

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