It’s Never Too Late To Start Saving, Advice For People In Their 40’s

On today’s episode, Warren Ingram does a Q&A with one of our followers, Chantelle, who is looking for financial advice for people in their 40s. Warren gives advice around saving towards a comfortable retirement through RAs, investments, access bonds & more. 

Questions/ Topics: 

  1. Is a retirement annuity the way to go? 
  2. Should I leave my money in a RA or move it to a new provider? 
  3. Where should I put a large lump sum of money, into my home loan, in investments or an RA? 
  4. How does it work when you get paid out from your RA?  Do you get 1/3 as a lump sum and then do you need to reinvest the rest?
  5. Does it make sense for me to put my travel money into my access bond whilst I’m saving up for my next trip?

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